Friday, August 29, 2014

(4 of these you already have, but would never think of the possible uses in camp)

#7. Biodegradable unscented baby wipes: Make it way more convenient to clean up your hands when cooking. Easy for prep surface wipe down, and are more durable than paper towels.

#6. Toothpaste: Sure the obvious use is there, but it also is great for treatment of mosquito bites.

#5. Aluminum foil: Lots of uses right, best one is tear off 10 inch pieces and fold over and crimp onto those tent support lines. The shining little flags will save your troupe from tripping day and night.

#4. Plastic drop cloth: This one is a real multi-use superstar; tablecloth, emergency rain fly if a storm rips yours off, shade cover and the list goes on.

#3. Glow sticks: safe dependable every night every kid under 12 gets one on a string around their neck. Keeps away boogie men and lets mom and dad know where they are in the dark.

#2. A pair of small plastic storage tubs: Make sure they nest, then load the inner tub with cooking gear, and dry goods, a lid snapped down will keep birds and raccoons out of your bread. The outer tub is your wash basin for dishes that basically disappears when you're done or packed up.

#1. A "real" cast iron dutch oven: I know its heavy and pricey. I know some think that they are hard to clean, but with a little bit of training and the right stuff they make the quality of camp food remarkable and the cook's job way more enjoyable too.

Check out the "Buy The Right Dutch Oven" article coming soon to the website. Hopefully soon you will also be able to watch our video recipes and cooking tips here.

Thanks for reading we hope you stick with us as we launch this new Outdoor Info Hub project in the next 3 weeks. This weekend Steph and I are taking 6 kids out for a 3 day camping and fishing extravaganza.

Blessings, Greg


Tuesday, August 26, 2014


This is just a test post, but the real thing will be here soon.